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Wrights of Glasgow

Deacon’s Choosing Dinner

Deacon’s Choosing Dinner

October 2024

Deacon’s Choosing Dinner,

The Deacon’s Choosing Dinner is the first formal event to welcome the new Deacon and to congratulate the year’s very skilled and talented prize winners from the City of Glasgow College and Glasgow Clyde College. 

Trumpeters George Fleming and Jack Walker announced the Top Table procession.  Auld Deacon Stewart Hamilton piped in Deacon Judy Tayler-Smith, Late Collector of the Trades House Richard Paterson OBE,  Prime Warden-Elect of The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers Julian Adams, Lord Dean of Guild of the Merchants House Andrew McFarlane and Auld Deacon Jenny McIntrye. Members of the 2024-25 chain gang and distinguished guests were led to their respective seats

Deacon Judy Tayler-Smith, then welcomed everyone to the Choosing Dinner and advised that her charity for the year would be Glasgow Street Aid.

All present enjoyed a fine dinner with music by pianist Sheena Crichton and numerous rights and lefts.

The Presentation of Prizes, The Deacon began by thanking, in his absence, Auld Deacon John Walker Director of Education for his time supporting the Craft. She then invited the new Director of Education, Auld Deacon Stewart Hamilton, to initiate the distribution of Prizes.

He explained what was about to happen and outlined the support given to the students. He then handed over to George McNeillie, the now retired Curriculum Head of Faculty of Creative Industries, Furniture & Art Glass at the City of Glasgow College.

George McNellie introduced each student with a short background history, which also offered insight into the thought behind their prize-winning work.  It was again pleasing to note that many of the prize winners had changed career direction.

Each student was congratulated by the Deacon, and Auld Deacon Stewart Hamilton and presented with their certificates and monetary prizes.

It is with pride that we continue to promote the skills and support the talent, the future of our Craft.

There was a short interval which provided an opportunity for all those present to view the quality and skill displayed in the outstanding prize-winning pieces.

After the interval the first speaker was Auld Deacon Jenny McIntyre who elaborated on the role, work and continued support that Trades House gives to Glasgow Charities

She then proposed a toast to it. The reply to the toast was made by the Late Collector of the House Richard Paterson OBE. He once again thanked two previous Deacons for traveling long distances to support the House. He also noted the experience of the new Deacon and was sure  that this would be used to promote her Craft.

A further speech about the City of Glasgow was presented by Prime Warden-Elect of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers Julian Adams, who then proposed a toast to it. Lord Dean of Guild Andrew McFarlane, responded in a very appropriate manner.

Musicians Cavan Rodgers and Cameron Nixon entertained the diners with two musical interludes which featured tunes by Robert Burns. These were woven into the evening between the speeches, toasts, and the vocal interruptions to announce the visiting deputations from the Incorporation of Skinners and Glovers and later the Incorporation of Masons.

The final toast to the Deacon was proposed by Late Deacon Stephen Osborne, and before she rapped the shed, and Auld Lang Syne sung, Collector Hugh Campbell offered a vote of thanks to all those who had contributed to a memorable evening.

Photographed below is Deacon Judy Tayler-Smith, Collector Hugh Campbell, and six of the prize winners. 

Image Courtesy of George Mahoney.